Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Late Night Packing

I just noticed it is about 12 hours until we leave for Japan. Right now I'm supposed to be working on getting ready to go but I don' wanna so here I am typing this. Hopefully this is a good sign that I will continue this once we are in Japan, we'll see. Anyway that's all for now I probably won't update until we get to our hotel in Japan so wish us luck and safe travels!!!

Monday, June 29, 2009


So we decided we wanted to have a significant amount of cash available on our trip. Our bank couldn't make the change for us so we had to take out cash and go to another bank. I have always thought it was cool to see this much cash in person as I rarely have even twenty bucks in my wallet at any given time.

And here is the after picture.

Friday, June 26, 2009

Initial Post

So here is the obligatory post explaining what the heck this is all about.
My wife and I are taking a long awaited trip to Japan and I thought it would be masochistic fun to do a blog about it. So here it goes, we're leaving on the 1st of July so we'll probably have a couple posts about the joys of getting ready for trans-continental vacation w00t!!!!